When my daughter asked "Can I get a rabbit, please, please?"
Originally we did not plan to operate as a professional small scale rabbit breeding program, we just wanted wonderful, therapeutic rabbits for ourselves and gave some rabbits in need of a soft landing, a forever loving home.
My spouse and I both had grown up with rabbits and
we both agree that they are one of the most memorable pet, especially for children!
It was about 5 years ago when my oldest daughter, Layla, asked for a bunny and even though I was so excited, we still gave it much thought.
The nostalgia of having them back in our lives after years focusing on horses, a small business, property projects and so forth, we quickly became hooked again!
Our daughters love caring and playing with the bunnies everyday.
We occasionally bring our rabbits out to markets, parks, community centers, shops, and ALWAYS there is a crowd of every age group you can imagine so excited to see our bunnies!
Many people enjoy sharing such happy memories about their past with rabbits & we love hearing them.
Once you let a rabbit into your heart, it is forever cherished!
We got into rabbit showing, joining the rabbit community fun and have made many memorable times as a family.
After a lot of time working through the formal breeding process, we decided to do our part in preserving and selectively produce to
The Standards of Perfection and became Endorsed, Certified and Registered with
The American Rabbit Breeders Association.
Since then, we’ve known so much love, joy and excitement.
Layla is a very dedicated and passionate Youth Breeder who is striving on producing her program to the Standard of Perfection. She attends every show possible to get hers on the Judges tables where comments both pros and faults are always valued to learn where she can continue striving to SOP.
Layla takes great care of her Hollands, they hop up to her giving her kisses and they give her pure joy.
She has learned so much on growing a rabbitry and invests every penny she makes into her Hollands-such as her feed costs, their housing, accessories, building materials, chew toys, nest boxes, carriers, medical needs, buying new lines,
membership, showing and software fees!
Lastly, Layla values the friendships she has made in this hobby and is thankful for her mentors and other trusted reputable breeders who have helped her along this venture!
Additionally, we have grown a mission to share our rabbits through our
Rabbit Visit Therapy Program!
A little about Laura, the Bunny Mama
Laura's love for rabbits and all animals really, had always come naturally since she was little and is a country girl by heart.
Her father built her a lovely, generous sized two story, insulated barn for her
rabbits, cavies & birds when she was about 7 years old.
This was where she spent much of her time throughout her childhood, along with working multiple paper routes in her community to cover her rabbit care costs.
If she wasn't in the barn with her animals, she would occasionally bring them with her on the bus to school!
Always finding comfort with a furry companion at her side and sharing the joy of being with rabbits to others around her.
Laura believes that rabbits bring the best out of people of all ages.
If you take the time to find your match with a rabbit along with the help of a caring certified & registered breeder,
it will become a memorable time stamp in your life as well as your children will grow an even greater love for animals through learning to understand, respect and care for them.
It is so special to see her own two children sharing the same passion for rabbits and care towards all animals, knowing it is making a positive impact on them for life.
Laura's most cherished childhood bunny was her Holland Lop , Coco, in the photo shown.
"A carrot is as close as a rabbit gets to a diamond."
Don Van Vliet